Thursday, September 21, 2017

Turn back the hands of time!

Wouldn't it be nice if we could go back in time to when we didn't have acne, scars, wrinkles, brown spots, saggy skin, or dull complexion?

We have found the Fountain of Youth!

Not really, but those are the claims of many cosmetic products.  

Here's the stark reality - it is nearly impossible to erase the evidence of your past skin health through cosmetic products.  Most skin problems that people try to correct happened long before the issue is in front of them.  Sun damage doesn't show up for 15-20 years.  Acne scars from youth never go away.

Walk through the cosmetic department at your favorite store and you'll soon realize that there isn't one product, line or company that has found the solution to resolve the aging skin question.  New products are always being introduced or old ones re-marketed.  We would like to give you some insight on what you should reasonably expect your cosmetic product to do for you.

Take a moment and look in the mirror.  Do you see fine lines near your eyes?  How about deeper creases near your mouth or forehead?  Brown spots here and there?   That is your evidence of the past.   The basic expectation is that if you started using quality skin care products now you would maintain your current appearance.  You might be able to soften fine lines and creases.  You could lighten brown/dark spots.  You could help your face have a little glow.  But those results will take years of faithful attention using products alone.

We hate being the bearers of bad news.  But don't give up hope.  We want to help you navigate through products and treatments that work together to slow down, stop or even reverse a little of the problematic issue of aging skin.

Our next posts on this blog will cover these topics:

  • Department store products vs. specialty/spa/medical office products.
  • Sunscreen - the ultimate wrinkle preventer
  • Treatments that boost the renewal process